How Running Is Stressful On The Body

Running is an activity that requires muscular endurance, stamina, determination, speed aerobic and sometimes anaerobic. These all depend on the type of race you are running. If you are running a short race built for speed, then speed and anaerobic work would more likely be needed. For mid-distance races, muscular endurance and stamina would be needed. However, for long distance races a greater amount of stamina, aerobic capacity and determination would be needed in order to complete that race.

Advantage of running

Running is one of the oldest forms of exercise and people have been doing it for centuries. Running has many benefits and the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. The different health risks all come from the different types of race you are running. Running keeps off extra pounds no matter if it's a race for speed or stamina. Some calories will be burned in that exercise regardless of how far or often you run. For people that what to lose some weight, running is a cheap and efficient way of doing so. Also, because running is good for keeping arteries clean and good in cell development, it is great for preventing strokes and heart attacks. It is also good in preventing clogging of the arteries and helps promote good cholesterols. Running can also be good for mind health and for the muscles among many other benefits.

Disadvantage of running

Running can cause major stress to the joints no matter what kind of race you run. These joints include the knees and the ankles. Running constantly puts pressure on these joints, and if a joint is overworked it can be worn out. However, running will not necessarily damage a joint very quickly unless a misstep was made and a joint is injured. It is always best to wear the proper attire when running. These include clothes and shoes that allow for a good range of movement. If a person has an existing problem with their joints especially in the knee or ankle, then joint damage can occur because of running and that person should consult a doctor before taking up the exercise. People with heart conditions should not take up running without finding out more from a doctor because running can put extra strain on the heart. However, if there is nothing wrong with a person's heart but they still get short of breath or they find that their heart is betting really fast after running, they should also consult a doctor. This means that this person endurance is probably very low and they should work on building their endurance slowly.

Marathon running and the straining it may cause 

· One of the main issues in marathon running is that it depletes carbohydrate sources significantly. Carbohydrates are the first and main source in the human body that are used for energy. For this reason marathon runners can be very weak after a race if they did not have an adequate amount of carbohydrates in their system. Marathon running can also deplete fat and protein which are secondary and tertiary source of energy.

· Marathon running can also cause dehydration because water may not be available when the athlete needs it and there is hardly and room for stopping.
· It can also cause hypoglycemia because the body needs to use glucose in order to make energy. Once too much glucose is used then one can faint or blood pressure fall dramatically.

Dennis Blair is a Fort Collins Personal Trainer whose programs help those in Fort Collins, Colorado lose weight, gain lean muscle tissue and have more energy. You can find out more about these programs by going to Fort Collins Personal Training.
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