Diet of the Stars? Evil Gluten Is Hidden in ALL These Types of Foods!

I would like to help my client and members out with what I'm about to share with you here.
I have recently constructed this list of foods that are known to have hidden gluten in them.
And have taken courses to better educate and understand myself with this animal!
  • Bouillon cubes
  • Candy may be dusted with wheat flour
  • Canned soups
  • Cheese spreads & other processed cheese foods
  • Chocolate - Check if contains malt flavoring
  • Cold cuts, Wieners, Sausages - may have gluten due to cereal fillers
  • Dip mixes
  • Dry sauce mixes
  • Dry roasted nuts & honey roasted nuts
  • French fries or other fried foods in restaurants
  • Gravies - check out thickening agent and liquid base
  • Honey Baked Hams™ - based with wheat starch in coating
  • Some Ice Creams & Frozen Yogurts
  • Instant Teas & Coffees - cereal product may be included in formula
  • Lip Balms and lipsticks
  • Mayonnaise - check ingredients that are used as thickeners
  • Sour cream - May contain modified food starch
  • Some Toothpastes
  • Bouillon cubes
  • Candy may be dusted with wheat flour
  • Canned soups
Okay, so what's the big deal with gluten anyway?

Well, according to studies, and new emerging science, gluten is responsible for a LOT of the disorders that people are experiencing today...
... such as bloating, poor immune systems, inability to lose the last 5-15lbs, chronic fatigue, joint and muscle pain, and so on.
As it turns out the average diet today is like nine times higher in gluten than it was just a decade or so ago.
When I in fact went on to take clients off of gluten they reported.:
- Better energy
- Enhanced weight loss
- Improved digestion
- No more chronic gas and bloating
- Reduced muscle and joint pain
- Hormone re-balancing

Ever since I stopped eating quinoa, rice, and many other so-called "gluten-free" foods, I've become a bit more experimental in the kitchen. Nothing fancy, after all, I'm still the simple nutrition guy, but I make sure all the meals I eat at least follow the true gluten-free lifestyle.
Just recently I realized the Paleo diet, aka the "caveman" diet,
Turns out that Jessica Biel, Mrs. USA 2011, Tom Jones, Megan Fox, Uma Thurman, and Eva La Rue are all Paleo eaters as well. Not to mention it's the diet of choice among elite cross-fit athletes.
I have to admit that the eclectic list of Paleo followers intrigued me, but the reason for researching this ancestral diet was to learn which Paleo foods I could and could NOT eat, assuming I was sticking with my true gluten-free lifestyle.
Besides stumbling upon an awesome chocolate coconut snack bar recipe - that you'll find below - here's what I found to be the three main differences between the two diets...

1. Potatoes:
True Gluten-Free Diet: Allowed
Paleo: Not Allowed

2. Dairy:
True Gluten-Free Diet: Not Recommended
Paleo: Not Allowed

3. Alcohol:
True Gluten-Free Diet: Moderate Consumption
Paleo: Not Allowed
As you can see, they're both pretty similar. Same with the health benefits:
- More energy
- Clearer, smoother skin
- Stronger immune system
- Weight loss
- Improved digestion
So back to the recipe I was telling you about...

Chocolate Coconut Snack Bar (makes 4-6)
- ¾ almonds
- 3 tablespoons desiccated coconut
- 1 cup walnuts
- 3 tablespoons cocoa/cacao powder
- ¾ dates
1. Blend all the ingredients together in a food processor.
2. Press mixture firmly together onto a tray lined with baking paper.
3. Cool in refrigerator for a few hours.
4. When cool, remove from tray and cut into bar shapes.
These snack bars are a busy person's dream - they're easy to make, taste good, and because of the nuts, they're filling. Isn't that what any snack should strive for?
Give the recipe a try and let me know what you think.
I figured you'd want to learn more about gluten and the damages it can cause you and this is what I implement with all my <a target="_new" href=" Richards boot camp & personal training programs - Live Better!

... Live Easy... Just Do It!
Richard Stadnyk - Owner/fitness Instructor:
• It's all about getting fit and having fun, while energizing yourself! And to get real (and lasting) fat loss and fitness results... as quickly as possible,with 100% certainty!
Richard specializes in personal training & boot camps for women in Durham Region & Toronto (GTA). Body Concepts Fitness has introduced a revolutionary way to meet your fitness goals and Richard will help get you through it and make it happen!.
For a Limited Time - Until October 14 / 2012 *New Member special - 30 Day Trial - $29 for one month of unlimited Boot Camp Classes!
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Email: > 905-409-8031
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