Top 5 Obstacles to Weight Loss (the first) 1/5

Obese people have taken particular habits and behaviors that are developed actually hurt their weight loss and fitness goals, according to many experts on diet and weight loss.

... and not seeing the results that they desire.


Although the distribution of snacks throughout the day can help to optimize their diet to keep their metabolism and hunger pangs at bay, many people are unable to keep their food in check and end up with more of total calories consumed at the end of the day.

   Why grazing is one of the obstacles to weight loss is because people tend to ignore what and how much they eat and how many calories they consume, which is likely to accumulate. Keeping a food diary can help a person to be more aware of what and how they eat so they can develop healthier eating habits.


How to Maintain a Young and Healthy Body

Everyone wants to remain as healthy as possible as they age and also maintain a younger looking healthy body. To do this there are a number of things you can do that will promote better health and a younger appearance. Start off by eating right. The types of foods you put into your body can greatly affect the health of your vital organs, along with your skin which aides in the appearance of youth. It is suggested that you consume as many fruits and vegetables as possible. They contain many of the nutrients our bodies need to stay healthy.

If you begin eating a healthy diet while you are still young it will greatly increase your chances of staying healthy. The recommended number of fruits and vegetables is nine servings a day. That may seem quite a bit, but keep in mind that fruit juices that are all-natural, along with veggie drinks also count as a serving. One of the best ways to get the most nutrients out of fruits or vegetables is to buy organic products or at least the types that are the least processed. Most organic fruits and vegetables are not sprayed with chemicals used in pesticides, so it makes sense that food made without pesticides are healthier.

Another way to maintain a younger looking healthy body is to moderate how much you eat. Everyone needs three healthy meals a day, but if you can cut out at least some of the snacks you consume it will lead to better health. It's never wise to starve yourself even if you are trying to lose weight. Your body will not react in a healthy manner if it does not have the required calories it needs. Try to eat at intervals of approximately five hours apart. Doing this will allow your body to process the calories of the last meal.

A very important way to maintain health and a younger looking appearance is to exercise in moderation. If you aren't use to exercising, begin slowly. The more you do the more you will be able to do, if you start out properly with a good exercise regiment. If you have been in ill health it is always good to speak to your physician before beginning any sort of exercise program, but he or she will more then likely state that it is a good idea if done properly and in moderation at the beginning. If you are unable to do strenuous exercise you might try an exercise program like yoga, which is good for you but doesn't put as much strain on your body. Walking is also a great way to maintain a healthy body. Even if you start with small walks at first then move on to longer ones, it is a very healthy habit to get into.

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Top Tips to Make Your Body Fit and Sexy

A healthy body is important to have a healthy life. You must maintain a healthy body to enhance your performance in various activities and to keep away from deadly diseases brought about by unhealthy lifestyle. You must realize that a healthy body is important to fight infections and improve your stamina and endurance.

It is never easy to maintain a fit and sexy body. It requires a lot of discipline, determination and perseverance. Most people find it hard and strenuous. There are some tips that you can do for you to have a healthy and sexy body.
The first thing that you must consider is your plan. You have to realize that losing weight to have a fit and sexy body is not fast and quick. It will be too dangerous for you to go on fasting. You have to make sure that your plans are for long term basis.

Bad habits can greatly affect your body. You have to get rid of them slowly and surely. Learn to live without them by substituting with healthy activities. You have to make sure that you will have good habits for you to attain your long term goal of having a fit and sexy body.
Another thing that you have to consider is your physical activity. Physical activities will help you burn excessive fats and calories in your body. This can enhance your endurance and stamina. Increased physical activity means increased metabolism. If you burn calories fast, you will have less tendency of depositing fats in your body.

You can go to the gym to exercise or you may join any sports that you prefer. Most people find jogging to be effective. It is easy to do and you can do it with your friends and relatives. Swimming is also a good option because it can burn calories fast and can tone the muscles in your body easily. You can also increase your physical activity by doing household chores.

Good eating habits is also an important factor. You have to make sure that you will only eat healthy foods like fruits, vegetables and lean meat. Choose foods that have less fats and calories in them for you to avoid getting fat. Also, you have to drink lots of water to maintain your metabolism.
There are a lot of considerations if you want to get sexy and fit. There are a lot of methods that you can do to be successful in it. You just need to choose correctly and do them accurately. You need to be careful in executing them so that you will attain your desired goals for your body.
There are a lot of things that you can do to have a sexy body. Discover more about Treadmill Running Machine and enjoy having a fit and sexy body.
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The Generation of Obese Teenagers

There are many articles in the press about obese teenagers and even obese younger children and so my article on this issue is nothing new but the fact that it is something I have in front of me everyday motivated me as something I just had to write about. So I decided to write a series of articles on this particular issue. I see it everywhere, in the classroom, on the streets, in the shops, the village where I live... just everywhere. It is also an issue that really stood out to me when I came back from Spain some months ago to return to my position as lecturer at the college.

When we returned from Spain My daughters who are 16 and 17 set about catching up with old friends after a 2 year absence and we all noticed that most of them bar a few had put on substantial amounts of weight during those 2 years. Now let me step back here to assure you... I was not being judgmental on these teenagers as people, it was just impossible not to notice the difference that this period of time had made

My job as a Health lecturer and also the fact that I have lived a large proportion of my life so far out of the UK in South Africa allows me the liberty of being able to look at different cultures and their eating habits and way of life. When I returned from South Africa to the UK in 2001 I immediately noticed the deteriorating eating habits of the younger generation and had a hard time convincing my daughters of the benefits of healthy eating. When we moved to Spain in 2010 and returned in 2012 some 2 years later..I think they got what I had been talking about all those years earlier!
The message really hit home when they were able to compare the eating habits and weight issues in the UK with a different culture where the eating habits were more healthy and overweight teenagers were infrequent and not common place

So lets get the information right from the start. Many people think that being overweight is an appearance issue. Not so of course none wants to look "fat" but being overweight is actually a medical concern because it can seriously affect a person's health. All of have body fat and a few extra pounds are not going to do us any harm but when experts use the term overweight they are talking about much more than just a few pounds. There are very few people who are not aware of the health problems like Diabetes and heart disease that come with people overweight but the problems range much further. Being overweight can affect a persons joints, breathing, sleep, mood, and energy levels. All of these problems can impact a person's entire quality of life. More people are overweight today than ever before. We are experiencing an "obesity epidemic." So younger people are now developing health problems that used to affect only adults, like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and type 2 diabetes.

So how does one become overweight? its actually not as simple as you think... but then it never is. My next article will discuss the issues that result in weight gain.
Kathy is a Health and Social care lecturer with young adults Her website is focused on Health and lifestyle issues that effect teenagers
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Diet of the Stars? Evil Gluten Is Hidden in ALL These Types of Foods!

I would like to help my client and members out with what I'm about to share with you here.
I have recently constructed this list of foods that are known to have hidden gluten in them.
And have taken courses to better educate and understand myself with this animal!
  • Bouillon cubes
  • Candy may be dusted with wheat flour
  • Canned soups
  • Cheese spreads & other processed cheese foods
  • Chocolate - Check if contains malt flavoring
  • Cold cuts, Wieners, Sausages - may have gluten due to cereal fillers
  • Dip mixes
  • Dry sauce mixes
  • Dry roasted nuts & honey roasted nuts
  • French fries or other fried foods in restaurants
  • Gravies - check out thickening agent and liquid base
  • Honey Baked Hams™ - based with wheat starch in coating
  • Some Ice Creams & Frozen Yogurts
  • Instant Teas & Coffees - cereal product may be included in formula
  • Lip Balms and lipsticks
  • Mayonnaise - check ingredients that are used as thickeners
  • Sour cream - May contain modified food starch
  • Some Toothpastes
  • Bouillon cubes
  • Candy may be dusted with wheat flour
  • Canned soups
Okay, so what's the big deal with gluten anyway?

Well, according to studies, and new emerging science, gluten is responsible for a LOT of the disorders that people are experiencing today...
... such as bloating, poor immune systems, inability to lose the last 5-15lbs, chronic fatigue, joint and muscle pain, and so on.
As it turns out the average diet today is like nine times higher in gluten than it was just a decade or so ago.
When I in fact went on to take clients off of gluten they reported.:
- Better energy
- Enhanced weight loss
- Improved digestion
- No more chronic gas and bloating
- Reduced muscle and joint pain
- Hormone re-balancing

Ever since I stopped eating quinoa, rice, and many other so-called "gluten-free" foods, I've become a bit more experimental in the kitchen. Nothing fancy, after all, I'm still the simple nutrition guy, but I make sure all the meals I eat at least follow the true gluten-free lifestyle.
Just recently I realized the Paleo diet, aka the "caveman" diet,
Turns out that Jessica Biel, Mrs. USA 2011, Tom Jones, Megan Fox, Uma Thurman, and Eva La Rue are all Paleo eaters as well. Not to mention it's the diet of choice among elite cross-fit athletes.
I have to admit that the eclectic list of Paleo followers intrigued me, but the reason for researching this ancestral diet was to learn which Paleo foods I could and could NOT eat, assuming I was sticking with my true gluten-free lifestyle.
Besides stumbling upon an awesome chocolate coconut snack bar recipe - that you'll find below - here's what I found to be the three main differences between the two diets...

1. Potatoes:
True Gluten-Free Diet: Allowed
Paleo: Not Allowed

2. Dairy:
True Gluten-Free Diet: Not Recommended
Paleo: Not Allowed

3. Alcohol:
True Gluten-Free Diet: Moderate Consumption
Paleo: Not Allowed
As you can see, they're both pretty similar. Same with the health benefits:
- More energy
- Clearer, smoother skin
- Stronger immune system
- Weight loss
- Improved digestion
So back to the recipe I was telling you about...

Chocolate Coconut Snack Bar (makes 4-6)
- ¾ almonds
- 3 tablespoons desiccated coconut
- 1 cup walnuts
- 3 tablespoons cocoa/cacao powder
- ¾ dates
1. Blend all the ingredients together in a food processor.
2. Press mixture firmly together onto a tray lined with baking paper.
3. Cool in refrigerator for a few hours.
4. When cool, remove from tray and cut into bar shapes.
These snack bars are a busy person's dream - they're easy to make, taste good, and because of the nuts, they're filling. Isn't that what any snack should strive for?
Give the recipe a try and let me know what you think.
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Taking on Obesity in America

Battling obesity in America is no easy endeavor. When I became involved in the battle against obesity in America, I knew that the diagnosis was devastating and the prognosis was dire. I knew that there were a number of obstacles that I would be facing in implementing a program comprehensive enough to effectively engage the epidemic of obesity in America. The battle against obesity in America has to be fought on multitudinous fronts.

I am the eternal optimist, so when someone asks me can the battle against obesity be won? The answer is always a confident and astounding "yes"! This does not, in any way, imply that the victory is imminent. It simply means that it is possible. The success of this campaign depends greatly on the ability to educate the nation as a whole as to the seriousness of this epidemic and to the proper way of engaging this disease.
The stigmatic impression that the word "obesity" carries in America, in itself, creates problems. People are easily offended by the word and it has been grouped in the same category with the word "fat", therefore attempting to discuss the issue in depth can create some friction and resistance.

Helping Americans as a whole understand the disease has great value. I believe that ignorance of the disease and its potency creates a false sense of wellbeing amongst the masses. In surveying the populace in general, the consensus would be that obesity is currently considered more of a pulchritudinous issue. Most people still view obesity as an aesthetic issue rather than a serious health issue. Getting people to understand that Obesity is positioning itself to be the number one killer in America, would be a great victory in itself.
Understanding the primary factors that are prevalent in perpetuating the exponential spread of this disease is also important. Looking at socioeconomic influences and how they can be counteracted is extremely important in getting a handle on the situation. When we view the numbers and realize the vast majority of Americans that are obese fall within certain social boundaries, including race and education levels, we become acquainted with the environmental influence aspect of the disease. These "demographic" components must be targeted in order for the campaign to be effective.

The catch phrase "lifestyle change" has taken flight and it is often used in correspondence with the remedy for obesity. I feel that it is extremely important that this phrase be clearly defined so that it can be properly applied. Making a lifestyle change can be broad in nature, but it is still extremely specific in application. First one must be willing to adjust culturally influenced habits that are contributing to the presence of the disease. This means adjusting dietary intake. Which includes what is consumed, when, how much, and how often. Lifestyle change also includes moving from sedentary lifestyles to more active lifestyles. One of the most powerful culprits in the existence of obesity is a lack of activity.

I also believe that it is paramount that there be unification of the efforts in this conflict. A great deal more can be accomplished when everyone is working toward a common cause with a common focus. There has to be definiteness of purpose and a specificity in the approach.
Another issue that has to be given immense consideration is the disparity in the ranks of obesity of those that fall below the poverty line. Why is this important? Because they are the least informed on the matter and the least capable of shouldering the financial burden that comes with battling the disease or the greater financial responsibility of battling the medical repercussions of this disease.
The health and fitness industries have to come together to develop programs that are effective and accessible to the masses.

Yes, the battle against obesity is daunting and it can seem overwhelmingly impossible; however, a well devised and exceptionally executed plan can be highly effective in engaging this deadly epidemic with favorable results.

Dr. Rick Wallace is the Dean of the School for the Ministry of Health & Wellness at A.R.O.H. Theological Seminary as well as the Founder & President of Master Fitness 21 and Stay Fit Fitness & Training. In May of 2012 Dr. Wallace launched The National Battle against Obesity. In addition to being one the leading theological minds in America, Dr. Wallace has over 20 years experience in the Health and Fitness Industries. To learn more about The National Battle Against Obesity and how you can benefit from Dr. Wallace's programs, please visit and
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Weight Loss With Cinnamon, But Don't Forget the Honey

Marketing weight loss products is a hugely successful business in the US. Everything from magic pills to full blown exercise and diet regimens is available. But with full schedules and everyday stresses, it's hard to find the space for another try at shedding some pounds. While at home weight loss isn't a miracle cure, the tips and tricks are certainly less expensive and easier to fit into our routines - that's a huge plus, because no weight loss idea will work if you don't use it.

Losing weight at home

Another magic formula? Nope. Even the best drugs don't instantly cure our illnesses. And you can bet they'd love a miracle cure for acne or arthritis. Face it; things don't work like that, not even with highly researched medicines. People still get colds and infections.
The advantages of home weight loss come in the form of convenience and safety. Plus, you shouldn't underestimate the power that comes from taking matters into your own hands. By tricking our bodies a little bit, we can start to gain the upper hand, and that is the real long-term goal.
Mostly, we munch on what is readily available. Maybe it's time to take a look around with a cold, clinical eye towards the food you keep. Your inner expert knows that fruits and vegetables are better than processed foods and refined sugars. If you don't have it handy, you lessen temptation. Make it a little harder to score those treats and keep better food accessible. And take a look at cinnamon as a way to jump start a home weight loss program.

Looking at cinnamon

The inner bark of the cinnamon tree is what gets harvested and sold as the spice. You've probably seen dried up sheets of cinnamon sold as 'sticks'. That's the actual inner lining that is scraped clean and dehydrated for transport and sale. The better quality is a light brown to tan. It's actually a bit less pungent than cinnamon that doesn't come from Sri Lanka (where the tree originates). If you are unsure of the quality, buy the stick form and grind it yourself. The reason they sell it in the rolled up sheets is to prevent imitators which are not harvested the same way. You can rely on major brands to have 'real' cinnamon, but avoid darker shades that are more likely to be Cassia or another variety.

Adding cinnamon to foods like applesauce or sprinkling it on salads is one good idea, but to use it in weight loss, you should make the following tea:

• One teaspoon raw honey (for a sweetener and the added benefits)
• One-half to one teaspoon ground cinnamon (start lower and increase if desired)
• Blend with honey and dissolve in a cup of boiling water (use pure water - avoid rusty or hard water)
• Cool and then filter out any lumps that remain
• Separate into two equal portions. Drink one portion before breakfast and the other before the evening meal (a half-hour prior is recommended).

Does it sound to simple to work? Well, cinnamon tea for home weight loss doesn't have the glitz and the glamour of fancy packaging or commercials with starlets... but it's an all natural method that has a long tradition behind it. In fact, the medical community finally took a look at cinnamon. They found that when added to the diet at the levels above, it lowers total cholesterol and even reduces the need for insulin in diabetics. There's more to be learned, but because it has no side effects, it is safe to try out for yourself.
Don't skip the honey. It sweetens the tea, sure, but honey contains other goodies (such as anti-oxidants). How the tea allows you to lose weight at home isn't known. One idea is that the nutrient values, combined with the strong spicy taste, reduces food cravings driven by our physiology. After all, hunger is our body's way of telling us we need calories and nutrition.

A good trial period is three weeks. Increasing fruits and vegetables also helps. The target is slow but permanent weight loss over time. Patience is a virtue here.
I started taking an antioxidant juice in March of 2009 which turned my life around. My poor health rebounded and gave me a new found consciousness about health and healing, longevity, free radicals, antioxidants, antioxidant supplements and living a healthy lifestyle. So much so that I decided to build a website to help others:
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